LiNa Energy attend Energy Tech Summit
This week Will has been at the Energy Tech Summit in Bilbao, Spain.
Will was on a panel discussing the future of solid-state batteries with Arfa Karani, PhD, Casper Peeters, Yan Zhu and Mike O’Kronley.
There were a couple of key issues discussed including:
Pathways to Commercialisation
Identifying what customers actually want from solid state batteries and the timeframe and pathways to adoption. It’s critical to zoom in on a limitation of incumbent tech, and find a partner who finds that weakness very painful.
How we nurture transparent and holistic data sharing
Avoiding the temptation to rely on isolated KPIs and ensuring we are informing the industry. Because better informed investors and customers are good for everyone.
As SSBs start reaching customers, it feels like a critical time right now in our industry.